
Online speaking check service

Japanese speaking level list

1(Entry)To read Hiragana and Katakana and some Kanji
2(beginner)To make short sentences with basic Japanese patterns
3(N5)To introduce yourself and answer the questions about yourself
4(N5-N4)To do an exchange of conversation during your journey
5(N4)To explain your feeling and the reason
6(N4-N3)To make s short speech about something you have an interest in
7(N3)To talk about something with your friends/put your opinion into words
8(N3-N2)To use polite words and broken words depending on the situation
9(N2)To take a job interview and explain your requests or experiences
10(N2-N1)To explain the sequence or cause of events about something unexpected
11(N1-business)To present a paper/give a presentation in a business situation
12(Native)To state your opinions logically when you have a debate/convey subtle nuances

PracticeTo make a sentence with 2 words.One practice has 5 sets(2 words×5)
TargetTo learn vocabulary and making sentences
Step①To select a question from the list
Step②To listen to the question and make a sentence with 2 words × 5
Step③To read the sentence aloud and record it with voice recorder
Step④To send your voice data through the sending form

PracticeTo speak in Japanese according to the situatio within 1 minute.One practice has one situation.
TargetTo learn Japanese patterns/conversation expressions
Step①To select a situation from the list
Step②To check the dialogue and your task.
Step③To make a conversation according to the task and situation
Step④To read the conversation aloud and record it with voice recorder
Step⑤To send your voice data through the sending form

PracticeTo make a speech within 1 minute about the question.One practice has one question.
TargetTo improve your speaking skills
Step①To select a question from the list
Step②To listen to the question and make a speech within one minute
Step③To read the speech aloud and record it with voice recorder
Step④To send your voice data through the sending form


Advice sheet


Application form for a free trial practice

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